Growing grass isn’t as simple as it may seem, moreover, if you expect a lush green and healthy lawn. Just like all the living things, the grass requires proper care and nutrients. Understanding when to fertilize new grass helps your lawn thrive and look beautiful.
Get to Know Your Grass Type

Identifying the type of grass is essential before applying fertilizer. Basically, there are two types of grasses including warm-season and cool-season grasses. The best time to fertilize heavily depends on your grass type so you can optimize the result.
Cool season grasses like ryegrass and Kentucky bluegrass like lower temperatures with peak growing periods in the early spring and early half. Meanwhile, warm-season grasses like Bermuda grass and centipede grass grow well in the midsummer.
The Best Time to Feed New Grass

Applying starter fertilizer on new grasses, whether you start it from seeds or sods, gives a lot of benefits that lead to a perfect start. Follow the guidelines related to the right time to plant grass depending on the grass type and apply fertilizer accordingly.
If you have warm-season grasses and want to plant from seed, spring is the best time to start the project. This type of grass germinates best during this season and when to fertilize new grass will be before the grasses are planted or while the seeds are spread.
On the other hand, fall is the best time for cool-season grasses. This grass type germinates rapidly in early fall with warm soil and moderate daytime. Use a lawn spreader to apply fertilizer before planting. Avoid using weed fertilizer on your new lawn.
Nutrients Required by New Grass

There are three key nutrients required to support your new grass, including nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Nitrogen promotes leaf growth, providing a lush green lawn you always dreamed of. Phosphorus helps boost root growth that which grass get established.
Meanwhile, potassium makes your grass resilient and it also prevents disease. New grass requires a fertilizer with a high level of nitrogen and phosphorus. A quick-release fertilizer is ideal to help the seeds absorb nutrients quickly.
When to fertilize new grass? If you are working with seeds, the best time to apply fertilizer is after weeding the area and raking the top layer. Apply fertilizer before spreading the seeds or at the same time as you spread them to the soil.
Fertilizing in the Fall

Not many people know that fertilizing grass with a low level of nitrogen in the fall helps support the grass before the upcoming winter. Apply fertilizer before the first frost to make sure it works effectively to bolster the grass. The use of potassium also helps ease the transition to chilly weather.
However, it is not recommended to use fertilizer with high nitrogen. This substance can promote new growth that is not resilient enough to resist the first frost, causing it to die. High level of nitrogen also creates snow mold that can kill the lawn.
So, when to fertilize new grass? It can be in the spring and fall depending on the type of grass that you have. Apply fertilizer before you spread the grass seed or at the same time you do it.