30+ Animals That Start with The Letter C | Names & Pictures

Animals that start with C – On this earth, human is not living alone. There are many other wonderful around, including the animals and plants. Some kinds of animals may be very common to be seen in our daily life. Let’s say the cats and dogs. 

However, there are many others that we may not even acknowledge that they exist in this world.

On this page, you will learn more about animals with C initial. So, what are they, how do they look, and how do they live? Check them out.

1. Chicken


Chicken is one of the poultries with many benefits for humans. It is known for its smooth and juicy meat, along with the eggs that are full of nutrition.

Domestic chickens are believed to be the direct descents of the wild chicken. Meanwhile, there are many other breeds from one sub-species of chicken to the others to produce the more qualified ones.

Based on the functions, people know at least 4 types of chicken; they are broilers, laying hens, decorative chicken, and fighters.

Sure, the broilers and laying hens are farmed for the consumption necessities. The decorative chicken is simply for pets. Then, in some cultures, there are traditions of letting the chickens fight so that the owners can gain money.

2. Cat


The cat is one of the most lovable animals in the world. It is really cute, so many people just like to own it as a pet.

It is predicted that the cat has been mingled in human life since 6,000 BC for the fossil of cat’s skeleton discovered in Cyprus Island.

In this world, there are more than a hundred breeds of the cat, but there are only 83 of them that are popular and often seen around.

Uniquely, behind its tame and cute image, the cat is one of the most active predators. So, don’t be surprised if the rat population in your home is decreased significantly after you keep a cat.

3. Chimpanzee


Genetically, Chimpanzee is closer to human, even up to 99% of the DNA. Sure, it makes this animal tends to have characteristics and behaviors that are very similar to us.

Most of the male chimpanzee has a height of around 1.7 meters, and the female is a little bit lower than that. Its arms are very strong, and they can be used to hang on the trees.

Interestingly, Chimpanzee also has emotions. Based on many observations conducted by the researchers, the animals show certain behaviors like empathy, happiness, grief, and even falling in love. 

4. Cassowary


The cassowary is a bird with a relatively big body, and it cannot fly. In terms of physical appearance, this bird is very beautiful, just like other endemics of Papuan animals.

However, Cassowary is also well-known for being aggressive and fierce. Therefore, even in the zoo, this animal is not let be free to walk around as it can attack the visitors and other animals.

Although Cassowary only lives in Papua, some varieties can also be found in Australia; they are the Southern and Northern Cassowary. The terms southern and northern refer to the areas of Australia where these animals are found.

5. Chipmunk


The other rodent with C initial is Chipmunk. The chipmunk’s body is only around 15 cm, but the tail is quite long, up to 16 cm.

It lives on the land, and chipmunks are commonly found in the trees with holes. Well, the animals indeed make the home by themselves by making holes in the tree stems.

Chipmunks are widely found in the American continent and some parts of Europe. They hibernate during the winter and become more active in the summer.

A fun fact of this animal is that the brain is quite big, even bigger than the human brain. Meanwhile, the vision is sharp as well.

6. Cricket


Cricket is a kind of insect of medium size, brown body color, and thick skin protection. It has a pair of legs modified and forming hoes to dig the soil.

Although this animal is quite small, it is categorized as an omnivore for its appetite to eat both plants and smaller insects.

Compared to the other soil animals, cricket is rarely seen. It prefers hiding inside, and it only comes out at night to look for food. It loves being in the dry habitat, and you can find it all around the world except in the poles.

7. Camel


Camel is a part of the genus Camelus with a big appearance and a certain unique feature; it is the hump. The domestication of camels was started 5.000 years ago.

This animal is farmed mainly for the meat and milk that indeed has more nutrition than the cow. Meanwhile, the camel is also used as a transportation means in the past.

Camel lives well in the desert area, and it can survive even without eating and drinking for some days. Many things can make them simply adapt to such a situation.

One of them is the hump that keeps the fat reserves to be changed into the water with the help of oxygen.

8. Caracal


Caracal is under the cat category, but it has a bigger size than the common types of cat. Besides, the body tends to be stronger and more muscular as well. The main character is long fur on the ears, just like the antenna.

In Africa, the caracal is considered a pest as it usually preys the poultry and livestock. Although it sounds wild, Caracal is still a cat.

It is easy to be tamed and domesticated so that you can also have it at home as a pet. In a zoo in Moscow, Russia, there are some new species of caracal as the result of crossbreeding.

9. Chameleon


The chameleon is one of the lizards included in the family of Chamaeleonidae. Many people may assume that Chameleon and Vacillators are just the same, but both are actually quite different. Chameleon is fatter with slower movement.

Those two types of lizards change their body colors are also different. Chameleon is the one that changes its skin based on the place or where it stays.

Meanwhile, Vacillators’ colors are changed based on emotion. Chameleon is considered more attractive for its bright colors.

10. Cheetah


Cheetah or Acinonyx jubatus is indeed the fastest animal living in the world. It can run at speeds up to 110 km per hour.

It means that the acceleration is around 0-100 km/ hour only in 3.5 seconds. To see this animal, you need to go to the meadow areas of Africa, and a few of them are also found in Iran.

Cheetah’s body is likely designed to support this ability. The nostrils are quite big, and they are combined with the heart and artery that are also strong. Meanwhile, the leg muscles are big but light and aerodynamic.

11. Chinchilla


Chinchilla, slightly, is indeed very similar to the mouse. It is reasonable since those animals are still genetically close.

What makes them different is that Chinchilla tends to have a pair of higher ears. Being included in the Rodentia order, it consumes the foods by whittling them.

Chinchilla is a nocturnal animal that is active starting from the twilight to the dawn to look for food. The way to feed it is also very easy. This animal is an omnivore that can eat grass, fruits, seeds, insects, and even eggs.

12. Caterpillar


Caterpillar is actually a phase of the metamorphosis or the cycle life of Lepidoptera animals, including the butterfly and moth. Most of the caterpillars are eaters of leaves and plants. Therefore, it is considered pests in farming.

Caterpillar has a cylinder body shape with three pairs of legs attached to the body segments. They are added by the four other pars pseudo-legs right on their belly.

For such a body shape, it looks like the caterpillar moves only using the belly, not the legs. Sure, all of them are moved together when it walks.

13. Capybara


One of the unique animals from South America is Capybara. What is it? It is a kind of animal with a body that is similar to the wild boar as well as the head is like the guinea pig.

But above all, the capybara is not one of them or has any genetic closeness with them. Capybara is even included in the group of rodents along with the rodents like the rats, hedgehogs, and squirrels.

This animal is a herbivore that eats the grass, water, plants, fruits, and even the peels of woods.

Just like other herbivores, there is a group of bacteria in its digestive system to help this species in digesting the cellulose, a plant material that is difficult to be digested by the common digestive systems.

14. Coyote


Coyote is one of the carnivores included in the family of Canidae. With the appearance that resembles the dog and fox, this animal is found in the areas of northern America like Alaska and New England. Meanwhile, few of them have also been seen in Mexico and Panama.

Coyote lives by eating other animals like fishes, rats, rabbits, and deer. To hunt the prey, coyotes make a group and then circle them.

The hearing system is very sharp, and it is very helpful for them to find other animals to eat and to protect them from enemies.

15. Cow


The cow is one of the livestock and a member of the Bovidae family. It is because of the cow itself that gives many benefits for humans, particularly as the food ingredients.

As you know, the red meat from a cow is popular for taste. Meanwhile, the milk is also produced and processed to be consumed by humans too.

The cow has various breeds, including Primigenius Taurus, Primigenius indicus, Javanicus domesticus, Gaurus Frontalis, and many more.

The popular Hereford cow is under the breed of primigenius Taurus. This type of cow has been bred in many places in the world as the meat is well-known for being highly qualified.

16. Cougar


Cougar is also popular as Puma. It is a wild mountain lion only found on the American continent. This species is also known as a big cat for the physical appearance that is really close to the cat, sure, in a bigger version.

Uniquely, although it is named the mountain lion, the cougar’s habitat is actually unlimited. Sometimes, the appearance is also seen on the lowland.

Cougar doesn’t have too many enemies. However, the little cougars are riskier to be attacked by wild animals like wolves, bears, and even other pumas.

Ironically, the biggest threats come from humans as this animal indeed often attacks the farms and poultry.

17. Centipede


A centipede is a metameric animal; it means that it has a pair of legs on every segment of its body. Although not all centipedes are like that, some of them have venoms to attack the enemy or preys.

This nocturnal animal is simply found in humid areas like around the water, under the trees, wet soil, and the like.

Even if you are not careful, the centipedes can be simply at home since they walk following the water flows. Uniquely, some species of centipede just like the moist area but not those that are really wet.

18. Coati

Animals That Start with The Letter C

Slightly, this animal is like the mini version of the bear. However, Coati has no relationship at all with the bear.

With a length of around 33-70 cm, it is very active and able to move quite fast. This is what makes Coati very capable of hunting.

Other features of Coati are the brown fur, black legs, small ears, and a quite long tail. The tail is functions to balance its movement as well as to receive the signal from the colony.

Coati eats worms, eggs, fruits, and insects. But based on some research, the most favorite food of Coati is the green iguana.

19. Caiman

Animals That Start with The Letter C

Caiman is still included in the same family as the crocodile and alligator. Yes, it can be simply seen from their physical appearances that they are really similar from one to another.

But if you notice them well, the three of them are quite different.

Caiman is closer to alligator anyway. When it opens its mouth, it shapes the letter U, different from the crocodile that forms V.

With this type of curve, and this animal tends to be stronger in biting the prey. In fact, the mouth, along with the teeth, is able to break the turtle shell that is famous for being strong and firm.

Meanwhile, Caiman cannot survive long in the ocean or salt water since it doesn’t have a salt gland, just like the crocodile.

20. Clown Fish


The species of clownfish is probably popular after its appearance in Disney’s movie; Finding Nemo. The real clownfish, on the other hand, although it cannot talk, is still really cute and beautiful.

With the main physical look of the small body with orange and white stripes, it is interesting to see a group of clownfishes swimming in the anemone areas.

Unfortunately, the population of clownfishes is also getting less and less due to the carbon emission.

Besides, their homes, corals, and anemones are also getting more limited due to damages and hunting. So, let’s put more effort into keeping our oceans more.

21. Catfish


Catfish is one of the freshwater fishes, and it is known for its slippery body with its flat and long shape.

Sure, there is one more characteristic that all catfishes must-have. It is the long mustache just like the cat – even longer. That’s why; the fish is named this way.

Scientifically, catfish have many sub-species, but most of them have very similar appearances to each other.

The respiratory system is modified from the gills. A catfish also has a pair of thorns as a weapon to attack the enemy.

22. Cuttlefish


Cuttlefish is more known as an ingredient for a delicious food indeed. More than that, it is an ocean animal under the order of Sepiida and the class of Cephalopoda.

This animal has some unique features, including the internal shell, also known as the cuttlebone. Meanwhile, even it is named the cuttlefish, it is actually a sort of mollusk, not a fish.

The cuttlefish’s body is equipped with 8 arms 2 tentacles along with a vacuum to suck the prey.

According to the most recent study, this animal is considered one of the smartest invertebrates with a very big brain and sharp vision.

23. Cormorant

Animals That Start with The Letter C

Cormorant is under the family of Phalacrocoracidae. This is a kind of ocean bird that lives in colonies. It eats the fish, and it has the ability to swim and even dive to the deep ocean, even up to 46 meters in around 80 seconds.

Although the bird commonly lives in a big colony, they may live it during the time of looking for prey. In other words, for this business, they fly and swim individually. Cormorants can fly crossing the sea.

24. Canary

Animals That Start with The Letter C

Canary is one of the birds chosen by many people as a pet for its small and cute appearance. The types and colors of canary themselves are very various.

The breeds among the types make this species have more variants of colors and appearances.

Canary is also popular for its beautiful tweets. It is reasonable if there are many canary tweet contests conducted all around the world. Some of them are regularly done in Norwich, London, Lancashire, Yorkshire, and more.

25. Cnidaria


Cnidaria is a phylum of invertebrate that is also known as the Coelenterate. The main characteristic of this phylum is the appearance of the gastrovascular cavity inside the body.

This cavity is functioned as the mouth and the rectum at once. There are also tentacles equipped with the Cnidosit cells for self-protection and survival.

There are 4 classes of Cnidaria, including Hydrozoa, Scyphozoa, Cubozoa, and Anthozoa. Each of them tends to have different shapes and structures, although in general, the main features are still the same.

Some creatures are included in this phylum. They include the jellyfish under the class of Scyphozoa and corals classified as Anthozoa.

26. Crab

Animals That Start with The Letter C

Crab is a member of the Crustacea family with some characteristics, including having 10 legs.

This animal can be found in the oceans all around the world. Besides, there are also crabs living in the area of freshwater as well as on the land.

The crab’s body is protected by a strong shell formed from Kitin. Meanwhile, it also has its own weapons; it is the claws modified from its front legs. Therefore, this body part does not function to move or walk.

27. Crocodile

Animals That Start with The Letter C

A crocodile is a big reptile that lives in the wet area, including the river, lake, and swamp. Although most of them are living in freshwater, a species is found in the saltwater; it is the estuarine crocodile.

Scientifically, the term crocodile involves all the species from the Crocodylidae family. The appearance is indeed wild and even primordial.

However, this animal has a complex structure with a complete 4-chamber heart, diaphragm cavity bulkhead, and more.

28. Coypu

Animals That Start with The Letter C

Coypu or Nutria is a rodent animal living in both the water and land. The origin is the subtropical areas in Southern America.

Just like a human, Coypu is an omnivore. Then, some of the foods are plants, insects, and other small animals. This unique animal even often digs the soil to find and eat the plant roots.

There are some unique characteristics of Coypu. They are the small white dots on the rear legs and the yellowish-orange incisors.

29. Cockroach

Animals That Start with The Letter C

The cockroach seems like the enemy for humans for many reasons. Yes, it is often found in the home corners, mainly when there is dirt or trashes.

The body is quite small with its brown color. It moves mostly by walking, but it has wings also to fly.

The cockroach is known to be strong and not easy to kill. It is because of the animal DNA that it is able to code numerous chemical receptors. This way, they can simply find food as well as survive the attacks from the enemy.

30. Clouded Leopard


The clouded leopard is a type of cat of medium size with a unique fur pattern; it is a combination of brown, grey, and black, just like the clouds.

The legs are shorter with wide soles and long tails. The habitats of these animals are in the forest and lowland within the areas of Southeast Asia.

The prey of clouded leopards is other smaller animals like monkeys, snakes, birds, deer, and small mammals. This tiger uses its tongue to clean up its fur before eating the prey.

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