Animals that start with E – You must agree that there are thousands and even more species of animals living around us. They are started from the big ones like the whale and Elephant to the small and even tiny animals like the ants and microbes.
Although the habitats of some of those animals are probably not in our areas, it is surely not bad to learn more about them. Well, on this page, here are some animals with E initials along with the explanations. So, just check them out.
1. Eagle

Eagle refers to big-sized predatory birds. This hot-blooded animal features the wings as well as the feathers covering the body.
It breeds by laying the eggs with very hard shells. They protect their eggs on the nest they make by themselves.
Some of the prey are the smaller animals, including rats, chipmunks, lizards, fishes, and insects. Eagles are also often being a problem for the poultry owners for their habits to eat animals like chickens and ducks.
2. Echidna

Echidna is the only animal from the order of Monotremata that still survives after platypus. In general, the animals of Monotremata orders are the endemic animals of Papua and Australia.
The naming itself is based on the appearance of the animal that is full of thorns. Echidna is indeed originally a monster’s name in Greek mythology.
The body, in general, is like a ball of thorns. Meanwhile, it is equipped with a snout that functioned as the mouth and nose. The legs are short but strong with big paws. They eat soft stem peels and insects.
3. Elephant

The Elephant is one of the most popular animals for the big appearance it has. It is under the family of Elephantidae.
In general, there are only two sub-pecies that are classified in the group of elephants; are African and Asian Elephants.
Meanwhile, there are some other species close to elephants, but they have been extinct; they are mammoth and mastodon.
The main characteristics of the elephants are the trunk and a pair of ivory. Although this animal is actually wild and quite aggressive, it can be friendly toward humans after a particular training.
4. Elk

Elk is the biggest species in the family of Cervidae. It is along with the deer and any other typical animals commonly living in the meadows and bushes.
In the areas of northern America and eastern Asia, elk is considered one of the biggest mammals.
Elk stays in the jungle by eating grass, leaves, and the peels of wood. The males have big horns used as weapons. In the mating seasons, the male elks fight for the females by butting their opponents using the horns.
5. Emperor Tamarin

Emperor Tamarin is one of the small and cute primates. Sure, its body length is only around 23-26 cm, and the weight is only up to 900 grams.
However, it has long claws and a tail to protect them from predators. Indeed, there are many bigger animals that want this animal as their prey.
This primate lives in the tropical rainforest in the American continent, mainly in the southern area. The body is grey with silver grades, along with the hands that are in black.
Meanwhile, the face is white, and the tail is brown. The term emperor is used for this animal for its long mustache; originally, it was a nickname for the last emperor of Germany, Wilhelm II.
6. Eland

Eland is a common term to mention the parasite worm or the worms that live by attaching to, and they tend to be disadvantageous for the other organisms.
Therefore, this animal finds the foods and protection from the host’s body. Meanwhile, they absorb the nutrition from them.
Generally, the worms of eland are classified into some groups, namely Cestoda, Nematoda, and Trematoda. Some types of eland easily found around are roundworms, pinworms, liver worms, and tapeworms.
7. Earth Worm

The earthworm is a common animal to be found in fertile soil. In general, it has so many advantages for farming for its ability to naturally fertilize the soil.
It eats the organic stuff and breathes through the surface of the skin. In general, this animal is actually not dangerous at all for humans, with the exception of its shape, which tends to be loathsome.
The shape of the earthworm is a cylinder. It is segmented into many parts, namely the Lum Annelida. Meanwhile, it moves using the belly.
8. Earwig

Earwig is a sort of insect under the category of Dermaptera order. It is considered the biggest insect in its order. Meanwhile, the animal is found all around the world since it can survive in any condition.
People may feel disturbed by the presence of the earwig at home. Yes, when it uses its claws to bite you, it is indeed very itchy and painful. Make sure to get rid of it using a spray that is not dangerous for your family’s health.
9. Elephant Seal

There are basically two variants of elephant seals; they are the northern and the southern elephant seals. Both are included in the family of Phocidae along with the other seals.
This animal found the name due to its size is indeed much bigger than the common seals. Meanwhile, they also have a proboscis that is very similar to the Elephant’s trunk.
The proboscis of the elephant seal is able to produce sounds like roaming. The sound is mainly produced in the mating season. This animal is polygamous. A male elephant seal is able to mate up to 50 females.
10. Emu

Emu is a native bird of Australia, well-known for its size, which is quite big. In the group of the non-flying birds, Emu is the second biggest in the world after its relative, the ostrich.
This animal is also the only species that remained from the genus Dromaius. It means that the family has been extinct.
The main characteristic of the emu is the soft and brown feathers. The height is up to 2 meters as well as the weight is around 45 kilograms. It eats various types of plants and insects.
11. Emperor Penguin

Emperor Penguin is the biggest type of penguin with a height of more than a meter as well as the height of around 35 kg.
Just like the other penguins, the legs are covered by membranes, and the body has thick waterproof fur.
The characteristic that distinguishes this penguin from the others is the yellow line around the neck.
The line looks more vague and faint, quite different from the king penguin in which the line tends to be bolder and visible.
12. Elephant Shrew

The elephant shrew is a tiny insectivore mammal originally from Africa. It is included in the family of Macroscelididae and the order of Macroscelidea.
Traditionally, there is the term elephant on the name for the similarity of the nose with the Elephant’s trunks.
Uniquely, this animal is really typed closer to the Elephant than to the shrew. It is based on the discovery of another species believed as the link between those two animals.
Elephant shrew is found in the southern area of Africa in any habitats.
13. Eel

Eel is something like a fish that is simply found in the farming area in eastern and southeastern Asia.
For the local people, this animal can be processed into various foods due to the delicious taste and the high content of nutrition.
However, eels are actually such dangerous predators for other animals in their environment.
They aggressively eat worms, small fishes, and insects. The animal is more active at night, and it takes the oxygen directly from the water to survive months without water.
14. Edible Frog

A frog is the other type of animal that can be simply found around us. Its habitats are the water and some other areas around.
Interestingly, some sub-species of frogs are edible for humans. It is even a good alternative to the protein source after the chicken and beef.
Some types of frogs that are common to be consumed are the green frogs (Rana macrodon) and rice field frogs (Rana cancrivora).
Although both are edible, consumption is limited in some countries since frog hunting is considered damaging the ecosystem.
15. Egyptian Mau

The Egyptian Mau is one of the oldest and the pure breeds of cats. The main characteristic of this animal is the fur pattern; they are the black dots on the white or grey fur.
There are many stories and myths regarding this cat, including its relationship with the Pharaohs in the past.
Although the Egyptian Mau is now a sort of domestic cat, it is still a great predator. It can run very fast, up to 36 meters per hour.
Interestingly, this breed is quite rare for only around 6,000 in the world but is demanded much my cat and pet lovers. That’s why; the price is also really high.
16. Eared Seal

Seal, in general, is a marine mammal of medium size and dark-skinned color. Meanwhile, there is a sub-species of this mammal, and this is the eared seal.
Just like the name, the main characteristic of this animal is the ear flaps that are floating from the head.
Under the family group of Otariidae, it has a semi-aquatic lifestyle, which means that it can live both on the land and in the water.
The groups of eared seals are often migrated from one place to another via the ocean. Then, they breed on particular lands or ice areas.
17. Eastern Lowland Gorilla

The eastern lowland gorilla is also known as the Gorilla Grauer. It is one of the sub-species from the endemic of the eastern gorilla.
The groups of animals are found the most in the mountainous areas of the Congo Republic. They are protected in some national reservation parks so that the extinction possibility can be reduced.
Gorilla Grauer has a medium-sized body covered by the fur of black, white, and the gradients of those two colors. The palms are strong to grab the twigs where they commonly live on.
18. Eulophophyllum Kirki

Eulophophyllum kirk is a relatively new species found in Danum Valley Conservation Area, Sabah, Malaysia.
It is enlisted in the Top 10 New Species of 2017 published by some scientific journals and magazines. Naturally, the habitats of this insect are in the area of Borneo’s tropical rainforest.
This bug is quite unique for the all-pink colors, particularly for females. Then, the body is segmented as well as it has a pair of unique wings.
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19. Eriovixia Gryffindori

The other new species discovered is Eriovixia Gryffindor. The animal is named that way is for the unique shape that is quite similar to the unique hat described and seen in the Harry Potter books and film series.
They name it after Godric Gryfindor, the owner of the hat anyway.
Uniquely, this species is a part of the spider groups in the family of Araneidae. Meanwhile, to find this animal in nature, the habitats are in the areas of the tropical rainforest in Asia.