Animals that start with H – that we will share today are not the regular ones. We mean, you might have seen some of them in your life but the rest might sound so rare and uncommon. Since there are so many interesting lively creatures in this world, learning about some of them will allow you to know more about this universe.
Besides, it is important to take care of animals whether or not those animals are pets in your possession. You must read this article thoroughly and find out the interesting information other creatures in this universe.
1. Hamster

The next name on animals that start with “H” is hamsters, a small creature with a cute little face that will make you hard to take your eyes off of them. Hamster is a nocturnal creature and you will find them sleep heavily during the day. Even though they love to live alone, they will enjoy your company for sure. Since their teeth are growing like always, they need chews or chew toys to accommodate this trait.
Do not forget to put a wheel in your hamster’s house because they highly need to exercise like a lot of exercises. Fruits and veggies are their most favorite foods. Since they will never get overeating, make sure you always provid e enough food and clean the bowl regularly to change it with new yet high-quality food stocks.
2. Horse

The horse is actually a fascinating creature you will ever know. You may be able to ride them just by learning it in a short time. However, you may need to spend your whole life to learn about the horse itself. Horses sleep but they do it by standing up. Sometimes they will lie down too for sleeping but it only happens for a short time.
A horse cannot burp as well, which also mean that they do not breathe through their mouth or vomit like the human. If you want to estimate the horse’s age, you can look at their teeth. It is not the exact number but you can make an estimated number though. Other than that, you need to take care of their teeth regularly. They could live more than 30 years old after all.
3. Hyena

Hyenas are basically not related to dogs and people are mostly mistaken with this fact. They are closer to the cat instead of a dog and there are four species in this family. The largest species of hyena nowadays is the spotted hyena. They are tall and big but the females are heavier than the males. Their coat is gray or yellowish yet sandy. The black or dark brown spots are the distinctive look of them. Each species live in different habitat after all.
4. Hartebeest

Hartebeest can be found in savannas and other tall grasslands. They are very tolerant of woods and high grass compared to antelopes. They look like antelopes but hartebeest has a longer jaw. They could live up to 15 years and they only eat grass. This is why sometimes they must fight against other herbivore animals to get their needed grass. Their weight can reach up to 560 pounds as they get into adulthood.
Besides getting eaten by predators like a cheetah, lions, dogs, and others, the numbers of hartebeest populations are getting declined due to the human’s activity: hunting. However, nowadays there are several projects and solutions to maintain their population. Besides to create more protected space, some organizations also provide the management training for them.
5. Hammerhead Shark

As its name suggests, hammerhead shark has a head with hammer shape and this head really improves their ability to smell and catch the prey. If we compare this creature to other sharks, they have wider eyes that will help them to get a better visual range.
Most hammerhead sharks are small and harmless to human. However, the biggest shark of this category is identified as one of the nine largest sharks that have ever been identified in this universe. It can get bigger up to 1,000 pounds in weight and 20 feet in length. They love to stay in the tropical water, near the shorelines, and far offshore. When they seek for cooler water, they will migrate in a large group during the summer.
6. Hercules Beetle

Hercules beetle is one of the largest beetles that have ever been identified. This creature belongs to the Rhinoceros Beetle group. The name is definitely inspired by it horn or pincers that exist on the male’s beetle. The largest Hercules beetle could reach 17cm in length. This creature is commonly found in rainforests and tropical jungles where there are so many rotting tree trunks.
According to some reports, Hercules beetle has the immense strength. It could carry up to 850 times of their body mass. Other than that, the horn on its head could be longer than their entire body, up to 7.5 cm in length. If you go to Japan, people consider it as the good-luck charms and the symbol of great drive and strength.
7. Highland Cattle

Most highland cattle have an orange coat of fur. But sometimes you may also find the white, yellow, red, and black highland cows as well. There are two layers that made up their coats. The first coat is a downy fluff and it protects them from cold. The second coat is a long overcoat that you might recognize it from their straggly hair.
The horns are really useful to forage the snow so they can eat grass. The male highland cattle can group up to 800 kg and 4 feet in height. Even though they are not aggressive, you may find them pretty protective to their group especially the young ones.
8. Honey Bee

The honey bee is one of the most popular bees in the world. However, this only represents a small part of all bees in this universe. These ones produce the liquefied sugar which we all know as honey. Even though they are small, they could sting too especially when they feel threatened or identify that there are predators around them.
They live in colonies and are social creatures. You might find their beehives on rock crevices or the tree holes. They will stay close together during the cold weather to share their body heat with each other. They also feed on their stored food supplies so they will not need to get out when the weather is not good for them.
9. Humpback Whale

Humpback whale is the one that will sing to you in the ocean. They have a magical sound that could travel for distances and oceans in the world. When they sing or make any noise, it mostly means that they try to communicate with their mates or drawing attention for any potential mate.
They can be commonly found near the coastlines and they love to eat small fish, plankton, and krill. They will migrate to find the cooler water when the summer is coming. Humpback whales are such powerful swimmers. They will also leap from the water and give you a tremendous splash when they land on the ocean. Besides for fun, they also do it to clean pests from their skin.
10. Hummingbird

Hummingbirds are colorful in feathers and they are small. When they flap the wings that fast, you will hear something like a humming noise. Their feet are not designed to walk or hop but they will use it to perch. Hummingbirds eat pollen, insect, tree sap and nectar. Its long tongue can lick the food up to 13 licks in one second.
11. Hare

Hare is generally related to rabbits and some people have always mistaken it with a rabbit in general. However, they have longer ear and feed compared to a rabbit. Hare also has short tails. These animals are commonly found in Africa, Asia, Europe, and America. They even have a specified species on each country.
12. Horn Shark

Horn shark is basically small. They can be found in the warm waters around the western part of North America. They have a blunt head with high ridges you may find on their eyes. However, they only have a small home range because they love to stay put in the same area or other areas that have a general same condition. Horn sharks will be more active at night and do not like cold water after all.
13. Hedgehog

Hedgehogs generally have such peculiar methods of foraging. They eat snakes, frogs, mice, snails, centipedes, worms, and insects. Some people keep them as pets since they love to prey on some common pests in the garden. They will curl their body into an unappetizing yet prickly ball when they feel threatened. This is also how they sleep. Hedgehog will hibernate during the cold weather and is a nocturnal creature.
14. Hippopotamus

The hippopotamus is an amphibious mammal that can be commonly found in Africa. After the elephant, the hippopotamus is the largest land animal in the world. They are bulky and easily adapting to aquatic life. They also have a dense body that makes them able to walk underwater. Hippopotamus needs to stay under the water to avoid sweat since they have a bulky body.
15. Harbor Porpoise

Harbor porpoise is a shy yet elusive mammal. However, the numbers are getting declined and decline especially due to commercial fishing nets. You may spot this creature in the coastal waters or waters that have a similar temperature to the coastal area.
They like to stay in the shallow water which has less than 500 feet in depth. They eat fish but they have a relatively small size compared to other carnivorous creatures on the ocean.
16. Howler Monkey

Howler monkeys could produce a cacophonous cry sound. The sound can be heard up to three miles away. Large throats are the trait of male howler monkeys and those make their sound become louder and very distinctive. The sound, in fact, is a sign that they have marked their territory. However, howlers monkey are commonly targeted by the hunters.
17. Hawk

Hawk is generally a large bird group that looks similar to falcon. Even though there are many species of hawk, the chemical pollution and destruction on their nesting areas along with excessive hunts make their numbers become declined and declined. These animals can be commonly found in the savannah, forests, rainforests, and coastal regions.
The largest hawk could grow up to 5 pounds and females are generally larger than the male ones. They have muscular legs, large yet curved bill, and sharp talons. They use the bill to bite and tear up their prey. Hawks are active during the day and can dive up to 150 miles in one hour in the air. Their eyesight is 8 times better than what humans have, which make them could locate their prey even from 100 feet of distance.
18. Harp Seal

Harp seal is also known as the saddleback seal. Their length is averagely 2 meters and the biggest one could reach 190 kg in weight. You will commonly see them in the Arctic in the Atlantic side. They eat crustaceans and fish and due to their reputation or agile swimmers, they can catch so many fish for their food.
Their eyesight is really excellent underwater but since their nostril gets slit close, they cannot smell anything. Still, they have a great sense of sensitivity due to vibration created by the prey. They can dive up to 270 meters underwater.
19. Harpy Eagle

In America, the harpy eagle is the most powerful raptor. Their size is even bigger the then Golden Eagle. Two main things that make their numbers decreased over time is the shooting and habitat loss. Mexico is the first place where this creature was found. They are such thick arms while their talons are as strong as the grizzly bear’s claws. Harpy eagle will be more active during the day and they can catch their target between branches and trees due to their agility of flying.
The harpy eagle will reach their maturity in age between four and five years old. Once they have met their mate, it will for a lifetime. However, they have a slow reproduction cycle. They will only have a child once every three or four years.
20. Hoatzin

Hoatzin is a bird that looks like a turkey but it cannot be easily classified, considering there are so many specific features on each of them. You can easily spot them in South America especially in Amazon jungle near the oxbow lakes. They are 1.78 pounds in weight and 25 inches in length.
They have a long neck and you may spot the reddish-brown crest on their small head. They have a pair of red eyes on a blue facial feature. Hoatzin is such a clumsy bird with a long tail. They will spend their time mostly on the branches and near the water. They have winds but those are not designed to fly or at least they never use it.
21. Hornbill

Hornbill is a national bird of Malaysia. They have a long yet curved bill and on their head, there is a bright upturned casque. They develop some quite strong muscles on their neck which make them look different from others. Also, they have some cute eyelashes. Hornbills are kind of a family creature, considering they always keep a close relationship with their chicks. Other than that, they can also be friends with a monkey.
When hornbills want to mate, the male ones will offer foods to act as their engagement gifts. Other than that, the casque is the feature that will attract their mate. The female ones will barricade themselves in the nest inside the hollow tree. You may find feces and clay on the small hole of the tree.
22. Hermit Crab

Hermit crab is one of the crustaceans in the ocean. It belongs to a superfamily with at least 7 different families. Most of them can live in the ocean but some of them may decide to live on the ground. The size may up to 16 inches in length, depends on which species.
They have reddish look and sometimes with purple spots on their thick skin. They become more active during the night and sleep during the day. Both types of hermit will mate in the ocean and omnivores. So, this is the end of the article about animals that start with “H”.