Animals Start with D – On this earth, the way human lives basically cannot be simply separated from the animals. Despite they indeed naturally living around, those creatures even give so many benefits to us. Yes, some animals are farmed to be consumed.
They are also able to help us to do many activities. Some cute animals like cats and dogs are good friends for humans as well.
So, do you want to know more about the animals that exist in the world? Here are some of them with D initial.
1. Dragonfly

Dragonfly is a kind of insect in the group of Odonata. This animal is divided into some sub-species.
Although those sub-species may have characteristics that are quite different, in general, all of them have a similar look; a long body with a round head with two pairs of wings.
This insect never lives too far from the water area. It is because the water and plants around are the ideal places for them to lay eggs and spend their pre-adult periods. Besides, the water also provides food for them.
2. Dog

The dog we know nowadays has passed through the domestication process for many centuries. Based on much research, it is predicted that the dogs were originally wild animals from the forest and any other mountainous areas.
From the domestication process, there are now a hundred breeds of dogs with numerous variations that can be owned by humans as pets.
Sure, the rest of the wild dogs are still in the forest, known as the wolves and other types, including Dingo. Anyway, the domesticated dogs are indeed nice friends for us.
3. Deer

Deer is a kind of ruminant mammal that is included in the family of Cervidae. The most dominant characteristic of the deer is its antlers; special horns are only owned by this animal.
Different from the horns of other animals, antlers are the grown bones that tend to be developed from year to year, particularly during the summer.
Other characteristics are the long and compact body. They are good jumpers and swimmers also. Their digestive system has been prepared to digest the plants and leaves, proven by the presence of 4 stomach chambers.
4. Dung Beetle

The dung beetle is probably one of the most revolting animals in the world for its habit of consuming feces.
There are more than 8,000 sub-species of the dung beetle that have been discovered by humans. This animal can be found all around the world except on the poles.
The sizes and body shapes are varied, but all of them have similarities. They are oval with front legs equipped with big thorns and a pair of wings. The biggest dung beetle seen is around 6 cm.
5. Duck

Duck is a general name for a group of birds under the family of Anatidae. In general, a duck is an aquatic bird, and it has a smaller size than its relatives; the goose and swan.
Other characteristics are the lower necks, and they can be simply found in the water area, whether in the freshwater or the ocean.
Duck is a part of the poultry as the meat and eggs can be consumed by the human. The way to take care of it is quite easy since it can eat anything, including grass, water plants, small amphibians, insects, worms, and more.
The duck’s wings are actually used to fly. But since the body mass tends to be heavier, it cannot fly high away.
6. Dugong

The dugong is a sea mammal classified in the category of Sirenia. This animal can live longer, even up to 25 years old. It cannot be called fish because it breastfeeds the babies.
On the other hand, it is known as the relative of the elephant. The descent line of both animals was separated by evolution.
The dugong is also one of the sea herbivores. It eats plants, and the most favorite food is the seagrass. Commonly, this animal chooses the seagrass with a high level of salt to support their activities under the sea.
7. Desert Tortoise

There are many types of tortoises. If many of them are known to live in the water areas, some of them are found in the desert.
That’s why; it is called the desert tortoise or Gopherus agassizii. The groups of desert tortoise are often seen on some deserts in USA and Mexico.
Desert tortoises eat plants, fallen fruits, and succulents two times a day; they are in the morning and evening.
The palms and claws of this animal are very strong so that they able to dig the soil up to 10 meters. Then, they use the hole as the lodges.
8. Dolphin

Dolphin is known as a smart sea mammal. Of course, this claim is based on some reasons. One of them is that this animal is equipped with a really smart and sophisticated system and technology naturally.
One of them is the communication system known as the solar system. It is to let them avoid clashes while swimming.
Dolphins live in the colony so that when they swim on sea level, they may swim together. It breathes through a small hole located right on the head. Well, a reason why dolphin swims on the level is so that they can take a breath.
9. Dwarf Crocodile

Dwarf crocodile, physically, is not so much different from any other type of crocodile. But just like the name, it is indeed smaller and shorter.
This animal is an African endemic and known as the smallest extant crocodile species living nowadays.
Although the size is quite small, it doesn’t mean that this animal is less dangerous. A dwarf crocodile is still a carnivore that loves meat.
Some people may be interested in using this animal as a pet. Well, if you are one of them, make sure to feed and treat them properly, as well as be more careful while being close to them.
10. Donkey

Donkey is a tame animal used for transportation. This working animal is also utilized to plow the fields in traditional farming.
Donkey likes to live in groups. Uniquely, not only is it able to mingle well with other donkeys, it even lives well with other groups of animals, including the goat.
The appearance of a donkey is similar to the horse bit is much smaller. However, this animal is considered stronger than the horse for its ability to walk longer and carry heavier stuff.
11. Dusky Leaf Monkey

This monkey is well-known for its unique and cute look. The size is quite small for a primate. The body is full of fur in some variants of colors, including brown and grey.
Meanwhile, around the eyes, the fur is white. There are around 7 sub-species of Dusky Leaf Monkey distinguished from the color grades.
The lifespan of the monkey is around 15 years. It has a stronger fibula compared to its relatives, including Lemur. Their habitats are in the forestry with trees and bushes. Sure, it is due to their favorite food; the leaves.
12. Dik Dik

Dik-dik is a common name for some species of small antelopes classified in the genus Madoqua. When it stands up, dik-dik has a height of around 30-40 cm and a weight of 3-6 kg. The lifespan of this animal is up to 10 years.
This type of antelope is found in the meadow and bushes areas of Africa, particularly the eastern and southern areas of this continent.
The way this animal communicates is unique; it is by whistling. Then, the male and female dik dik can just meet for mating.
13. Discus Fish

Discus fish is one of the decorative fishes highly demanded by aquarists. Unfortunately, the fish is considered not really appropriate for beginners for the extra treatments.
The fish lives in the freshwater. The shape is flat, just like the disc, and if you notice well, it shapes like a heart with a length of 15-25 cm.
The fishes also have small mouths and eyes. The colors are varied depending on the fish variants themselves. In general, there are some colors available in the market, including green, red, and brown.
Uniquely, there are vertical lines that are beautiful but also function to disguise and protect themselves from enemies.
14. Dingo

Dingo, with the scientific name of Canis lupus dingo, is a type of wild dog. It is often described as the Australian wild dog, but uniquely, the dog was not originally from Australia, except for Southeast Asia.
The physical appearance of a dingo is between the wolves and domestic dogs. They have medium body size and long earlobes.
The term Dingo comes from the Bora language. It was a language from a sub-tribe of Aborigines that lived in the area of Sydney.
15. Dove

Dove is known as a kind of bird that is really close to humans. This species is the most famous one among the family of Columbidae.
Some benefits of this animal for humans aside from being the pet are to be consumed and as a decorative animal. Undeniably, a couple of white doves are sweet and romantic.
Once the doves are mating, it simply produces around 2-4 eggs. For the body’s size that is not really big, the dove looks ideal with medium-sized wings.
Meanwhile, because of the flexible neck, the bird can turn around the head to protect themselves from the enemy. The other characteristic is the crop milk, which functioned as the breasts to feed the baby.
16. Drill

The drill is a kind of monkeys or primates from the family of Cercopithecidae. The physical appearance is very similar to the baboon and mandrill.
Compared to any other primates, the number of drills is limited. Some groups of them are found in some areas of Africa, including Nigeria, with the habitats of the tropical rainforest.
A drill is one of the animals that must be protected since the population is getting less and less.
Sadly, the dramatic decrease in the population is caused by hunting activities. Drill walks using legs and hands. Besides, the main character it has is the red nose.
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17. Dodo

Dodo is a type of bird that cannot fly. Although it cannot be seen nowadays, this bird once lived on Mauritius Island.
The closest relative to dodo that still exists currently is the Nicobar dove. It is predicted that Dodo has a height of around a meter. It ate fruits and lodged in the soil.
Dodo started to extinct approximately in the 17th century. The extinction of this animal is often used as the archetype as it happened during human history, and it was caused by human’s doing.
In other words, the extinction of this unique animal should be a reminder for us to save the environment along with the animals in better ways.